Monday, November 1, 2010

Mae: Week 3 weigh-in

I think that this week is the tipping point for me. I've now had three consecutive weeks of loss, and that has not happened with all the dieting fits and starts of late. I think I finally believe that I am capable of losing this weight.  I've dithered between "this is just how I'm built and how I'm going to look - just look at my mother for evidence of that; genetics are a bitch" and "I've lost this weight before and it's harder now that I'm older, but it can be done." I'm more on side with the latter now. 

I'm now entering week four, and that means that I have stuck with this for longer than all recent attempts. Two things have facilitated this: the TGP blog and The Mister. Annie gets all the credit for the blog idea, and even though no more than two people are likely reading it, there is still a sense of anonymous accountability. Finally, The Mister continues to adhere to the WW guidelines with military-like precision, and seeing him go through it for the first time reminds me of my first successful WW attempt. 

The exercise part remains at a virtual standstill. However, I have book ready for pickup at the public library that outlines a very reasonable walk-to-run program for beginners. I will be picking it up today after work and will hopefully start my new 16 week program. Annie - on a bike and blogging at 5 am?! This arse <--- needs to get in gear!

- 3

Loss to date
- 9.4


  1. Annie sez: actually, I think blogging was your idea way back when (that is, the last time we went on WW together, just before the last time we both went off WW together). But I agree, I think it's helping immensely!

    And as for the learn to run program, I have a couple of books like that too that you can borrow, and I'll send you a link to an online/email resource my sister shared with me ages ago. I'm hoping to work my way up to a 5K someday too - but given my knee problems, I'm hoping to lose a fair chunk of weight first so there's less load on my knees.

    As for 5 am - I think the clock on our blog is wrong. The bike started at 6, and the blog was my cool-down period. :o)

    And YAY Mister!

  2. Way to go Mae and the learn to run program works, you'll love it.
