Monday, November 1, 2010

Annie: Week 3 weigh-in

Well, it was an emotional and inspiring end to a tough week. My sister finished the marathon in a good time (I couldn't believe it - it was her first marathon, and she finished in the top half of the runners in her age group. To me: mind-boggling.), and was, as she put it on Facebook a couple of hours later, "Mostly upright, and definitely smiling."  I guess!

For my part, the big challenge of the weekend, I expected, would be a bit less lofty: to avoid eating any of Child's Hallowe'en candies. As it turned out, it wasn't hard: maybe it's because I have so many points due to my current weight, or maybe it's just that my palette is slowly changing... not sure. But either way, I didn't really want them, so it wasn't too bad.

Of course, not really wanting them would have been no obstacle a month ago. It's funny - this program is forcing me to admit to things I knew about myself and my relationship with food; one of them is that I don't have to be particularly hungry, or stressed, or upset, or happy, or anything else to want to eat. The food just has to be there, and that's been good enough for me.

When I say "there," I don't mean right in front of me, either; I mean reachable from where I am - even if it means a detour through a drive-thru or a convenience store. Hmmm... realizing things, but not sure yet what they mean.

With that said, Hallowe'en chocolate bars are so little that they're great treats for after supper - maybe I should actually go out and buy some of the discounted leftovers and chuck them in the freezer for treats in the months to come!

Must go now; have been writing this post waiting to cool down after the morning "bike ride" in my basement, and I think I smell like hockey equipment.   :o)

Lost this week: 4
Lost so far: 11
Still remaining: 89
Weeks to go: 49


  1. Mae sez: Wow, this is crazy good progress Annie! I think that this is even better than last time, no?

    So, how often *are* you getting on the bike a week? And I'm slightly relieved to know that you are not getting up at 5 am : )

  2. Annie sez: I'm actually a little bit behind last time around, as far as loss goes. Last time, the first three weeks went 7-5-2, for a total of 14, whereas this time it's been 5-2-4, for a total of 11. In the mix this time around was water weight in the middle week, which was gone by the following week, if you get my drift (ick).

    I am on the bike Saturday and Sunday, as well as at least 2 mornings during the week; but I'm actually trying to do more than that.

    If Husband is working on Mondays I can't do Mondays, and I can never do Tuesdays, because the mornings are just too hairy due to my schedule and Child's morning requirements. Wed, Thu and Fri aren't too bad, so I'm trying to do at least two of those, if not all three. I wish it didn't work out to be many days in a row followed by two off (I'd like to split up the days off), but that's my schedule for now.

    I'm finding, though, that Mo was absolutely right with respect to the timing; I'm almost always doing it in the early morning. I hate getting up for it, but I frankly resent getting up anytime, so it's not really a factor. And then I feel so much better throughout the day having it behind me - it's well worth it.
