Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Annie: weigh-in week 28

You should have seen it last night at my kitchen table: Annie, Mae, and The Faithful Mo, together for the first time since... well, over 80 pounds ago, between us!  That we were eating home fries with turkey gravy is irrelevant.  :o)

Last week started out poorly after the nonsense gain on Monday morning -- that was all it took to steal my resolve for a few days (well, that and a bit of craziness at work). I was able to get my act back together Wednesday, though, and it's a good thing I did, because The Faithful Mo arrived on Thursday and would have had none of it!  Ha.

I was chatting with her about the periodic lapses I've been having since Christmas, and had to face the fact that what I'm doing here is not finding a cure for my eating disorder -- I'm finding ways to cope. If this sounds familiar it's because I've "realized" this a couple of times in recent months, in different terms - but this time for some reason, the "foreverness" of the struggle seems more real. And, quite honestly, a bit depressing.

What was NOT depressing this week?

My very first run outside, with my own personal pace bunny! The Faithful Mo took me outside on a beautiful Easter Sunday morning run; it was my first day at walk 1 - run 7, and though I doubted I'd last, I did.  We actually covered 5K, so I now believe I'll be able to do it on race day.  It was huge to have her there with me, supporting me, encouraging me, telling me to slow down sometimes so I wouldn't flame out. And when I finished the last set, I got a big hug and a high-ten on the sidewalk!  :o)

In the end: a great, encouraging, healthy, restorative long weekend. Thanks Mo!

Loss this week: 2.2
Lost so far: 66.2
Still remaining: 33.8
Activity points earned this week: 21
Weeks to go: 24

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you didn't mention the movie theatre popcorn in the highlights!! :)
